Sara Connolly<span class="dot">.</span>

Sara Connolly.

Meet Sara – a seasoned marketing pro with over 14 years of experience in the wild world of integrated marketing. She's got a soft spot for all things digital, and if you ask her about her favorite part, she'll gush about her love for email marketing!

When she's not conquering marketing campaigns, you'll find Sara living life to the fullest! She's a fearless adventurer, hitting the waves on her boat, jet skiing, and tearing up the trails on her dirt bike. And let's not forget about her fur kids – they're her constant companions on all her escapades!

A powerhouse in marketing expertise, Sara's always eager to learn and grow, keeping her marketing game on point. Her motto is "the sun shines for everyone", and she strives to spread positive vibes wherever she goes.

So, here's to Sara – our go-to digital diva, outdoor explorer, and fur baby aficionado! With her leading the charge, our marketing game is sure to stay on target!